Extremely Bride Anna from Poltava
Vulnerable Bride Maria from Medellin
Active Bride Nataliya from Ternopol
Sensetive Bride Olga from Lvov
Honest Bride Mariya from Zaporozhye
Sweet Girl Kristina from Odessa
Tender Lady Viktoriya from Melitopol
Brave Lady Siverio from Boston


Selfsufficient girl Ekaterina from Poltava (Ukraine), 24 yo, hair color blonde
  • ID: 98106
  • Alter: 24
  • Geburtsdatum: April 3, 2000
  • Zodiak: Aries
  • Wuchs: 5' 5" (167 cm)
  • Gewicht: 158 lb (72 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Blonde
  • Augenfarbe: Green
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Poltava
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: psychologist
  • Occupation psychologist
  • Ausbildung: Medical
  • Englische Sprache: Mittelniveau
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 30 - 80 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I have vivid imagination, I am self-sufficient, funny,purposeful and very active person. If you are looking for a peace and comfort in living your life I can be a good wife for you and wise adviser. If you are looking for love and passion, I will be your soulmate and lover. I believe in strong family and traditional family values, and there are not just empty words for me. We just need to believe and to do our best to create understanding and trust together. I think it worth to try
Hobbys und Interesse
I really love dancing, listening to music, especially jazz, I go to the gym three times a week, I love cooking
Männertype suchend
In my ideal soul mate, I would really like to find the ability to support and understand me completely, to be on the same wavelength with my thinking, to be caring, and have a sense of humor and experience. I believe that with such a combination of personal traits, we can create a harmonious, sensual, and strong union with him! And, of course, for me is important how we can find a common language because it is the main reason for success in good and harmonious relationships. And also I wish my future man to be ready to share his emotions with me and let me be supportive and care for him.A big age difference is not a death sentence for me
  • Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
    R&B, jazz
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
  • Welches Filmgenre bevorzugen sie?
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsküche?
    Ukrainian, Georgian, Mediterranean cuisine
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
  • Wie verbringen Sie gewöhnlich Ihre Freizeit, aktiv oder ruhig?
  • Welche Speise kochen Sie gern?
    I love cooking seafood
  • Gefallen Ihnen die Nachtklubs oder nicht?
  • Sind Sie eine Stubenhockerin?
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?