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- ID: 96734
- Alter: 28
- Geburtsdatum: Dezember 18, 1996
- Zodiak: Sagittarius
- Wuchs: 5' 4" (165 cm)
- Gewicht: 105 lb (48 kg)
- Haarfarbe: Light brown
- Augenfarbe: Brown
- Land: Russia
- Stadt: Pervouralsk
- Religion: Christianity
- Familienstand: Ledig
- Kinder: Nein
- Rauchen: No
- Alkohol: Never
- Beruf: Service and tourism manager
- Occupation Student, model,Service and Tourism Manager
- Ausbildung: Incomplete higher
- Englische Sprache: Fast fließend
- Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
- sucht Partner: 34 - 79 Jahre alt
- woman
Über mich
My name is Elena. I am very happy to join this site, because I am looking for a husband who will consider me not as a toy model for a short time, but for true love and passion! Unfortunately, local guys can't take me seriously because of my figure and body. They only need one thing - it is sex and a temporary relationship, but I am here to find a husband with whom I will live a happy life without cheating and betrayal! I am a sincere person. I always tell the truth and I do not like lying people. I cook very tasty and develop. I have visited many countries, but I would like to stay in the country where I will be comfortable living with my husband for the rest of my life! I will be glad to meet someone interesting who wants to have not only sexual relations with me, but also love ones too!Hobbys und Interesse
I like to listen to music, read books, play tennis. I also like to watch movies, TV series, evening walks, sometimes I travel! And I do much more, so ask me.Männertype suchend
I am looking for a passionate and devoted man with whom I will be comfortable and funny. I want someone who is beautiful inside and not outwardly, someone who can take care of me for the rest of my life in a relationship and in bed! I am looking for a man not for games and entertainment, but for a life together and passion! I will be the most devoted wife, faithful friend and sexy lover for my man, but in return I want honesty, sincerity and love!Interview
Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
I like roses.Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
I like summer.Welche Sportart gefällt Ihnen?
I like fitness.Mögen Sie Rosen?
Yes, I like roses.Was ist Ihre Lieblingsküche?
I like the Italian, French, American and Japanese cuisines.Kochen Sie gern?
Yes, I like cooking.Gefallen Ihnen die Nachtklubs oder nicht?
No, I don't like.Sind Sie eine Stubenhockerin?
Yes, I am.Wo würden Sie gern leben: in der hektischen Stadt oder in einem stillen Platz (wie ein Dorf)?
I prefer to live in a quiet place.Würden Sie gern ins eine tropische Land umziehen, wie ein asiatisches Land?
Yes, I would like.
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