
Industrious bride Lidiya in bikini from Dnipro (Ukraine), 31 yo, hair color peroxide blonde
  • ID: 94781
  • Alter: 31
  • Geburtsdatum: März 12, 1994
  • Zodiak: Pisces
  • Wuchs: 5' 8" (175 cm)
  • Gewicht: 114 lb (52 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Peroxide blonde
  • Augenfarbe: Green
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Dnipro
  • Religion: Russian Orthodox
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Construction engineer
  • Occupation Analyst
  • Ausbildung: Higher
  • Englische Sprache: Fast fließend
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 18 - 90 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
Young outside, mature inside, doesn't it sound perfect? I am a very affectionate and tender person, and I do need someone to share all the love I have inside. I like developing myself. I have a technical mind and a creative heart, so I am sure we will find a lot in common! Especially if you have the same huge and warm heart as mine!
Hobbys und Interesse
I have so many interests, and I will be happy if my other half shares his interests with me! As a wonderful hostess, I cook amazingly. I like to sew a little (but mostly doll clothes for my sweet nieces). I like to take care of my body and mind, so I enjoy fitness and read a lot. I like to stay inside and enjoy a good movie or go outside and take a long walk in the park. I also like spending time with my family, as family is the most valuable thing, and playing board games with my friends. There are many interesting things in the world, and I am ready to try everything with my beloved man.
Männertype suchend
My type of man is a person who is not afraid of falling in love, becoming happy and building a strong relationship with respect, care and endless love for sure. Age, weight, height? Does it matter? Numbers mean nothing when you meet YOUR person. Are you my man?
  • Was ist Ihr Lieblingsbuch?
    All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, The Shining by Stephen King
  • Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
    I like roses, lilies.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
    Late spring when the nature is waking up and it's already warm outside, but still not too hot.
  • Wer ist Ihr Lieblingsschauspieler/ Ihre Lieblingsschauspielerin?
    Bruce Willis
  • Welche Sportart treiben Sie?
    Fitness, jog, sometimes go to the gym.
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Yes, it's one of my favorite flowers.
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer red ones.
  • Was ist Ihre Kleidungslieblingsfarbe?
    Most of my clothes are black or grey, but I like bright colors as well.
  • Welchen Kleidungsstil bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer to wear dresses, but sometimes jeans are perfect too.
  • Von welchem Beruf träumten Sie, als Sie ein Kind waren?
    I dreamed to be a veterinarian. I like animals a lot and always wanted to help them.
  • Was würden Sie in Ihrem Leben verändern, um es besser zu machen?
    My marital status.
  • Welche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
    Since I've not traveled abroad much I want to see a lot of countries all over the world, because every little peace of our planet is incredible.
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    I do believe that positive thinking can attract good fortune into your life.
  • Haben Sie einen Talisman?
    I am a talisman. My family always ask me to kiss their forehead before some important actions :)
  • Was oder wer hat Ihr Leben am meistens beeinflusst?
    My older sister, she is very smart and always loved to study, it inspired me to learn more and more as a child.
  • Welche Erinnerung Ihrer Kindheit ist hervorragend?
    My very first and brightest memory is when I broke my doll and hid it under my pillow, because I was afraid that my mom would get angry and I tried to pretend that nothing happened.
  • Welche Speise kochen Sie gern?
    Baked chicken wings in mustard sauce, pizza, chocolate cookies with nutmeg.
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    Yes, I like cooking very much.
  • Gefallen Ihnen die Nachtklubs oder nicht?
    No, I don't like.
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?
    It is not my goal, but if I am lucky to find my love abroad, I am ready to relocate.