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- ID: 90820
- Alter: 28
- Geburtsdatum: Mai 17, 1996
- Zodiak: Taurus
- Wuchs: 5' 4" (164 cm)
- Gewicht: 112 lb (51 kg)
- Haarfarbe: Black
- Augenfarbe: Brown
- Land: Ukraine
- Stadt: Kherson
- Religion: Christianity
- Familienstand: Ledig
- Kinder: Nein
- Rauchen: No
- Alkohol: Socialy
- Beruf: Designer
- Occupation Designer
- Ausbildung: University
- Englische Sprache: Mittelniveau
- Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
- sucht Partner: 25 - 70 Jahre alt
- woman
Über mich
I can say that I am determined and decisive person, willing to research until I find out the truth or achieve goal. Stable nature and always aware of the situation. Emotions and honesty are very important for me, so I am very loyal and dedicated in a relationship. I am a true friend and prefer longtime friends. They can be sure that I will keep their secrets, whatever they may be and that they can rely on me in any situation. Joyful and always in a good mood I am trying to enjoy every single day.Hobbys und Interesse
I am active girl and like to do a lot of different things in a spare time. But my biggest passion is drawing, I do like to draw portraits, and if you want to see, I can send you my works. Also like to go to gym and to be fit.Männertype suchend
A man who loves what he does in his life. I want to learn from him different things and to discover him again and again. The man, who has serious intentions concerning our future life together. Age difference is not a problem for me. I want loyal man. Who likes to walk and give the heart and thoughts to his wife every time. I want to be a princess to my husband. I like easy-talking man with a good sense of humor.Interview
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