Modest Lady Yana from Poltava
Passionate Bride Alisa from Kherson
Peaceful Lady Kristina from Odessa
Sensitive Lady Valeriya from Nikolaev
Convinced Girl Nataliya from Ternopol
Active Lady Aleksandra from Poltava
Considerate Girl Viktoriya from Nikolaev
Independent Woman Tatyana from Poltava


Optimist lady Polina from Kiev (Ukraine), 24 yo, hair color brunette
  • ID: 98041
  • Alter: 24
  • Geburtsdatum: März 3, 2000
  • Zodiak: Pisces
  • Wuchs: 5' 10" (178 cm)
  • Gewicht: 110 lb (50 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Brunette
  • Augenfarbe: Green
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Kiev
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Occasionally
  • Beruf: Lawyer
  • Occupation Lawyer
  • Ausbildung: Higher education
  • Englische Sprache: Fast fließend
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 35 - 60 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
On this dating site, I am looking for a man with whom we can not only love each other, but also feel real intimacy. It is important for me that our relationship is about true support, passion and boundless desire. I love art, sports and yoga, but most of all I love the moments when you can be close to someone you adore. Imagine us together: evenings on the terrace with a glass of wine, hugs after a long day, and whispers that only add fire to our relationship. If you are looking for not just a relationship, but a real harmony between emotions and desires - I am waiting for you.
Hobbys und Interesse
I like sports, yoga and dance, which help maintain balance in life. I also love traveling, where I find inspiration in new cultures and places. Art occupies an important place in my life, and I like to immerse myself in its various manifestations from painting to architecture. My active lifestyle and openness to new experiences help me stay energetic and creative.
Männertype suchend
I am looking for a man who is confident in himself and in his choice, someone who knows what he wants from life and is not afraid of his feelings. On this dating site, I am looking not just for a partner, but for a person with whom you can build mutual support and intimacy. I need a man who knows how to combine romance with passion and is not afraid to joke even in serious moments. We will create our active and passionate life together, where every day will be filled with new emotions and hobbies.
  • Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
    I like to listen to something calm and inspiring, with a touch of experimental electronics.
  • Was ist Ihr Lieblingsbuch?
    I don't have one favorite book I read something that helps expand my horizons.
  • Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
    I love wildflowers and non-standard bouquets.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
  • Wer ist Ihr Lieblingsschauspieler/ Ihre Lieblingsschauspielerin?
    I like actress Tilda Swinton for her originality.
  • Was ist ihr Lieblingsfilm?
  • Welches Filmgenre bevorzugen sie?
    Movies with art-house elements that make you think.
  • Welche Sportart gefällt Ihnen?
    Yoga, modern dance.
  • Welche Sportart treiben Sie?
    Yoga and modern dance.
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Yes, I like roses.
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer purple roses or other unusual shades.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsfarbe?
  • Was ist Ihre Kleidungslieblingsfarbe?
    In clothing, I prefer bold colors and non-standard combinations.
  • Welchen Kleidungsstil bevorzugen Sie?
    My style is a mix of classic and modern trends with creative accents.
  • Was machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
    I am fond of sports, yoga, dance, travel and art. I'm always looking for new experiences.
  • Von welchem Beruf träumten Sie, als Sie ein Kind waren?
    As a child, I always dreamed of becoming an architect or artist, but I chose law.
  • Wie sehen Sie Ihr Zukunftsleben in 10 Jahren?
    After 10 years, I see myself traveling and realized as a person, next to a loved one.
  • Was würden Sie in Ihrem Leben verändern, um es besser zu machen?
    I want to travel even more, take the best out of life and explore the world.
  • Was ist Ihre beste Erinnerung?
    The happiest memory is traveling to unusual places that give new emotions.
  • Wo sind Sie gewesen?
    I've been to many European countries and several resort locations, but this is just the beginning.
  • Welche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
    I dream of visiting Iceland, where nature inspires and takes your breath away.
  • Haben Sie einen Spitzname? Welchen?
    I don't have a nickname.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsküche?
    Mexican and Moroccan.
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    Yes, I believe that Luck is always on the side of those who act.
  • Haben Sie einen Talisman?
    No, I don't have a talisman.
  • Mit welcher berühmten Peson würden Sie gern sprechen?
    I'd like to talk to David Lynch or Vivienne Westwood.
  • Welche Ihre Charaktereigenschaft würden Sie gern verändern (oder keine)?
    I want to learn to be more patient in situations that require it.
  • Welche 5 Sachen nehmen Sie immer mit?
    Phone, headphones, notebook, camera, book.
  • Was ist Ihr Lieblingszitat/Aphorismus?
    "Enjoy every moment and take the best out of life."
  • Was ist Ihr Motto?
    "Be strong and confident no matter what."
  • Welche Speise kochen Sie gern?
    I like to experiment with cuisines from different countries, especially Mexican and Moroccan.
  • Eine Sache, die Sie nie absagen würden.
    I will never give up the opportunity to travel and learn new things.
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    Yes, I cook, but only when there is inspiration for something new and unusual.
  • Gefallen Ihnen die Nachtklubs oder nicht?
    Night clubs are not for me, I value individual and creative events more.
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?
    Yes, I am ready to move for new opportunities and development.
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine tropische Land umziehen, wie ein asiatisches Land?
    The idea of living in a tropical country fascinates me.