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Calm Girl Oksana from Ternopol
Real Lady Viktoriya from Khmelnitsky
Real Bride Tamara from Poltava
Independent Woman Tatyana from Poltava
Cheerful Lady Ekaterina from Krasnodar
Cheerful Lady Olga from Kiev


Positive woman Ekaterina from Simferopol (Russia), 30 yo, hair color black
  • ID: 97878
  • Alter: 30
  • Geburtsdatum: Mai 31, 1994
  • Zodiak: Gemini
  • Wuchs: 5' 8" (175 cm)
  • Gewicht: 134 lb (61 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Black
  • Augenfarbe: Aqua
  • Land: Russia
  • Stadt: Simferopol
  • Religion: Orthodox
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Economist
  • Occupation Chef in restaurant
  • Ausbildung: University
  • Englische Sprache: Fast fließend
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 38 - 48 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I'm a kind and sympathetic person. My heart is opened to this world. I'm easy going and communicative person. Always positive and have good sense of humor. It makes life brighter. Agree with me? I will always be the best support and never leave you in trouble. This is what my friends say about me and I completely agree with them I am a caring and romantic nature. There is a real fire in me, but it will be provided only to the only one I came to this site to find. I love my life with all my heart. I have a great job. I find myself and true pleasure in cooking. Even after a long working day I come home and cook for myself. By itself, the chef in the restaurant should be a strong personality. But when I come home I want to leave something behind the threshold and feel like a weak girl in the arms of my man. I believe I will find him here
Hobbys und Interesse
My the greatest hobby became my job. And very successfully. I am very proud and happy about what I achieved I love to ready before falling asleep. To listen to relax and classic music I adore sport very much and don't escape gym even in days when I have a lot of work
Männertype suchend
In my man I want to see more than just feelings for a relationship. But also mutual understanding and respect for each other. This will become a strong foundation for true love. It is important for me to see honesty and decency in a man. I want my man not to throw words to the wind and fulfill what he promises. In a relationship I want to find not just a physical connection, but also a mental one. When one person starts a phrase and his partner can finish it. It does exist, doesn't it? Such moments as age income and figure will never become barriers for me. Is love about barriers? It's something about true freedom. Agree with me?
  • Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
    Relax music
  • Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Very much
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
  • Was würden Sie in Ihrem Leben verändern, um es besser zu machen?
    To find love. In all other I have wonderful happy life
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    I'm in good friendship with good fortune)
  • Wie verbringen Sie gewöhnlich Ihre Freizeit, aktiv oder ruhig?
    Depends on how much work I had before this
  • Welche Ihre Charaktereigenschaft würden Sie gern verändern (oder keine)?
    Possibility to see good in everything
  • Eine Sache, die Sie nie absagen würden.
    Taking bath before going to sleep
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    I love it) It's my work and my hobby also
  • Gefallen Ihnen die Nachtklubs oder nicht?
    I don't visit night clubs
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?
    Yes, sure
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine tropische Land umziehen, wie ein asiatisches Land?
    I will relocate to man, not to country