Sincere Woman Yuliya from Essen
Vulnerable Bride Maria from Medellin
Strong Wife Tatyana from Kiev
Young Woman Margarita from Kiev
Cheerful Lady Irina from Odessa
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Kind Lady Tatyana from Poltava
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Tactful wife Irina from Kiev (Ukraine), 33 yo, hair color light brown
  • ID: 94983
  • Alter: 33
  • Geburtsdatum: Januar 23, 1992
  • Zodiak: Aquarius
  • Wuchs: 5' 6" (168 cm)
  • Gewicht: 118 lb (54 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Light brown
  • Augenfarbe: Aqua
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Kiev
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: Yes
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Financier
  • Occupation Financier in an agricultural firm
  • Ausbildung: University degree
  • Englische Sprache: Fast fließend
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 30 - 50 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I am a kind, honest, sociable lady with a sense of humor. I am easy to communicate with. I am tactful, caring, gentle, positive, responsible for my words and deeds. I always feel the desire to grow and change for the better.
Hobbys und Interesse
I like to draw, cook, lead an active lifestyle, and practice meditation. I go running and swimming, do strength and functional training with a trainer in the gym.
Männertype suchend
I want to find a smart, strong, determined man to feel safe next to him, successful and wealthy, able to control himself and the situation, kind and honest. My partner should be something special, stand out, with a great sense of humor, positive, confident in the best development of events, independent and self-sufficient, able to make romantic actions. I think that the age difference will only be plus in a relationship - an adult man knows what the meaning of life is.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
    I like autumn.
  • Welche Sportart treiben Sie?
    I run and swim.
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Yes, I like roses.
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
    I like dark red roses.
  • Welchen Kleidungsstil bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer comfortable and stylish clothes.
  • Was machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
    I like to go to the movies with my friends, go out to nature, read a book, listen to music, cook something. delicious
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    Yes, I believe in good fortune.
  • Wie verbringen Sie gewöhnlich Ihre Freizeit, aktiv oder ruhig?
    I like active recreation.
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    Yes, I like cooking.
  • Wo würden Sie gern leben: in der hektischen Stadt oder in einem stillen Platz (wie ein Dorf)?
    I prefer to live in a quiet place.
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?
    I didn't think about moving to another country, but if there is an opportunity, I will use it.