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- ID: 98007
- Alter: 34
- Geburtsdatum: Juli 11, 1990
- Zodiak: Cancer
- Wuchs: 5' 4" (164 cm)
- Gewicht: 143 lb (65 kg)
- Haarfarbe: Blonde
- Augenfarbe: Aqua
- Land: Ukraine
- Stadt: Kiev
- Religion: Orthodox
- Familienstand: Geschieden
- Kinder: Nein
- Rauchen: No
- Alkohol: Never
- Beruf: fire safety
- Occupation I have my own brand of cosmetics, food blogger
- Ausbildung: higher education
- Englische Sprache: Mit dem Wörterbuch
- Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
- sucht Partner: 25 - 54 Jahre alt
- woman
Über mich
If you meet me in the street- I promise you will never forget this meeting! But as we are now meeting on line I can tell a lot about you just by looking at you and seeing your hands, knowing your date of birth. My life motto is to live and be happy with every day! I was unlucky in my relationship but that didn't break me. When the treasure is taken easily, with no efforts, we don't appreciate it. But being tired of useless things we pay attention to the simple things in life.This is the real point of every search. I registered on this site and I am sure that I will meet a man with whom I will happily live all days.If you looking for a sinificant one, I am waiting for your letters. I promise you will not regret our acquaintance!Hobbys und Interesse
I respect people that are self made, that had nothing and achieved everything Their experience attracts me and acting and developing myself is my main hobby!Männertype suchend
Who I am looking for? Warm person, kind soul, deep character and strong personality! We don't know each other yet, but even though we already have at least one thing in common - it is the reason why we have come to this place. We are both single and we want to bring it to an end, right?Interview
Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
I listen to absolutely all music except rapWas ist Ihr Lieblingsbuch?
My favorite book now is The Mystery of Ronley Byrne, I believe in dreams and that there is something unearthlyWelche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
Regarding flowers, I really like large compositions - non-standard onesWas ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
AutumnWer ist Ihr Lieblingsschauspieler/ Ihre Lieblingsschauspielerin?
I like actress Angelina JolieWas ist ihr Lieblingsfilm?
The film Mr and Mrs Smith and the film The TouristWelche Sportart gefällt Ihnen?
I run every dayWelche Sportart treiben Sie?
I run every day and now is the turning point - look for a trainer for individual training (stretching, Pilates something like that)Was ist Ihre Kleidungslieblingsfarbe?
I like red, black and white in clothes. It seems to me that these colors suit me best and help me highlight my individuality the most.Welchen Kleidungsstil bevorzugen Sie?
I like classicsWas machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
I love going to the movies, shows, musicals, concertsVon welchem Beruf träumten Sie, als Sie ein Kind waren?
As a child I wanted to become a singerWie sehen Sie Ihr Zukunftsleben in 10 Jahren?
I am married to the best man, we are wonderful in public and understanding, we have 2 children, I am also a Food Blogger with a million subscribers. We also help other people, most likely to get olderWas würden Sie in Ihrem Leben verändern, um es besser zu machen?
Move to London and learn English, run a successful businessWo sind Sie gewesen?
Sweden, Italy, Malta, Turkey, Georgia, Sicily, Austria, Germany, France, Egypt, Lithuania, UAE, SpainWelche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
I really want to go to America and Britain, SingaporeWas ist Ihre Lieblingsküche?
I love Italian cuisine and of course UkrainianGlauben Sie im Glück?
YesHaben Sie einen Talisman?
There is no talisman, although I am the talismanMit welcher berühmten Peson würden Sie gern sprechen?
Definitely with Angelina JolieWelche Ihre Charaktereigenschaft würden Sie gern verändern (oder keine)?
I completely accept myself, I don't want to change anythingWelche 5 Sachen nehmen Sie immer mit?
Phone, documents, money, keys, lipstickWas ist Ihr Lieblingszitat/Aphorismus?
My motto is - let's just move forward, life is an adventure and you are the most important character in it, enjoy itWas ist Ihr Motto?
My motto is just forwardKochen Sie gern?
Yes, I love to cook and I run my own blog about cooking.Wollen Sie Kinder haben?
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