- ID: 95739
- Alter: 32
- Geburtsdatum: März 28, 1992
- Zodiak: Aries
- Wuchs: 5' 6" (169 cm)
- Gewicht: 107 lb (49 kg)
- Haarfarbe: Black
- Augenfarbe: Brown
- Land: Ukraine
- Stadt: Kiev
- Religion: Christianity
- Familienstand: Ledig
- Kinder: Nein
- Rauchen: No
- Alkohol: Never
- Beruf: Architect, interior designer
- Occupation Interior designer
- Ausbildung: Higher
- Englische Sprache: Anfangsniveau
- Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
- sucht Partner: 28 - 48 Jahre alt
- woman
Über mich
Since childhood I liked making changes in my room. I often asked my mother to help me rearrange furniture or paint the walls in different colors. When I became older I even got my own handmade bra). That is why when I graduated from school I did not hesitate where I want to continue my education. Therefore I got the diploma of an architect and interior designer. I truly like to decorate and make changes at home, also have everything in order and value simplicity at home. But from my work experience, I know that people make their house a home. Not only things, design and furniture. There are many things that I would like to tell about myself, but maybe it is much more interesting to discover this in a letter?Hobbys und Interesse
I love to be surrounded by beauty. I love everything related to fashion. I work as an interior designer, so I know that this is my element and vocation. I also cannot live without travel.Männertype suchend
If you think that here I will write a list of the character traits of my ideal partner. Well, no, I will not do that. The main things are not the pros and cons of your chosen one, but how you feel next to each other. I want to feel special next to my beloved one.Interview
Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
I like Russian rap, pop music.Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
I like roses.Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
I like winter.Was ist ihr Lieblingsfilm?
The Green MileWelches Filmgenre bevorzugen sie?
I prefer melodramas.Mögen Sie Rosen?
Yes, I like roses very much.Was ist Ihre Lieblingsfarbe?
I like white and black colors.Was machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
I like going to the gym, drawing, cooking, reading in my spare time.Welche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
I would like to visit Mexico, Brazil.Welche Speise kochen Sie gern?
I cook simple and healthy food such as fish, meat.Kochen Sie gern?
Yes, l like to cook.Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?
Yes, I am willing.
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