
Single lady Olesya from Kiev (Ukraine), 34 yo, hair color chestnut
  • ID: 95883
  • Alter: 34
  • Geburtsdatum: September 18, 1990
  • Zodiak: Virgo
  • Wuchs: 5' 2" (160 cm)
  • Gewicht: 110 lb (50 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Chestnut
  • Augenfarbe: Green
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Kiev
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Familienstand: Geschieden
  • Kinder: 1 (das Madchen-2016)
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Fashion designer, teacher of history
  • Occupation Manicurist
  • Ausbildung: Two higher educations
  • Englische Sprache: Anfangsniveau
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 45 - 70 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I'm looking for a man with good sense of humor, so we can spend our time enjoying, laughing and having lots of fun. I need man who can be caring loving and passionate with me, because I want to share my life with a reliable partner, who will trust me, who will love me and who will always treat me well. Romance is also important to me - not less than understanding, mutual respect and constant support.
Hobbys und Interesse
I like nature. I like to go for a walk with my friends. I also like to travel and discover new interesting places. I like to listen to different music. I adore cooking some tasty dishes.
Männertype suchend
I am a woman with serious intentions and I know what I want from this life, I am active lady and I am always full of positive energy - you can call me optimist and I really never give up! As a famous quote says - If life gives me lemons I do lemonade! I am focused on having a serious relationship that will be based on trust and no secrets because I do not like conflicts. I am sure It is better to enjoy life and love instead of having fights with each other. do you agree? I try to treat people around me in that way how I want to be treated myself. this is what my mother taught me since childhood and I still keep following the same strategy - it never fails. It's also important for me to have understanding, to be honest and to support each other in any situation.
  • Was ist Ihr Musiklieblingsstil?
    I am a music lover. I listen to different music.
  • Was ist Ihr Lieblingsbuch?
    10 Secrets of Abundant Love by Adam J. Jackson
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
    I like spring and summer.
  • Welche Sportart gefällt Ihnen?
    I like fitness.
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Yes, I like roses.
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer pink, red collors.
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsfarbe?
    I like pink color.
  • Welchen Kleidungsstil bevorzugen Sie?
    I prefer dresses, sport clothes.
  • Welche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
    I would like to visit the USA, Spain, Italy.
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    Yes, I believe.
  • Haben Sie einen Talisman?
    Yes, I have.
  • Wie verbringen Sie gewöhnlich Ihre Freizeit, aktiv oder ruhig?
    I prefer to spend my spare time actively.
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    Yes, I like cooking.