Temperamental Lady Alena from Kiev
Loved Lady Olya from Kiev
Obstinate Girl Denissa from Caracas
Rational Woman Yuliya from Kharkov
Reasonable Girl Ekaterina from Poltava
Pretty Bride Nataliya from Poltava
Respectful Girl Alla from Poltava
Serious Bride Yana from Kiev


Soft lady Alya from Bendery (Moldova), 25 yo, hair color chestnut
  • ID: 98096
  • Alter: 25
  • Geburtsdatum: November 21, 1999
  • Zodiak: Scorpio
  • Wuchs: 5' 8" (173 cm)
  • Gewicht: 140 lb (64 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Chestnut
  • Augenfarbe: Green
  • Land: Moldova
  • Stadt: Bendery
  • Religion: Orthodox
  • Familienstand: Ledig
  • Kinder: Nein
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Actor dancer
  • Occupation Actor dancer
  • Ausbildung: Acting higher
  • Englische Sprache: Mit dem Wörterbuch
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 35 - 75 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I am the type of person who wears my pain like stilettos. No matter how much it hurts, all you see is its beauty. I am soft and strong. I love to dress up for parties and wear my little silk robe around the house on weekends. Dancing and acting have always been my passions. My resilient nature allows me to remain determined, even in the face of adversity. With a natural authority, I inspire confidence in those around me, leading with both strength and compassion. I value stability and purpose, always striving to create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected.
Hobbys und Interesse
If you are my man, you will often find me dancing while I am cooking in the kitchen. I consider cooking an art. I turn on music, dance, and cook delicious food. I enjoy cooking with my mom or friends, and cooking with someone I love would be even more fun. I also love going to the gym.
Männertype suchend
I want a man who will hold my hand in difficult times and tell me that everything will be okay. I want a man who will love me for my compassionate heart and beautiful soul, and then I will believe that I will become the most beautiful woman on his planet just for him. I am a woman who will cook dumplings for you, dance, prepare pleasant surprises for you when you return from work. I am a woman who will wait for you at the door with hugs, kisses and a happy smile. What do I want in return? I want my man to be faithful, loving, caring. I like it when a man makes me feel like I am the only woman in the world for him.
  • Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
  • Wer ist Ihr Lieblingsschauspieler/ Ihre Lieblingsschauspielerin?
    Chuck Norris
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
  • Von welchem Beruf träumten Sie, als Sie ein Kind waren?
  • Wie sehen Sie Ihr Zukunftsleben in 10 Jahren?
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsküche?
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
  • Wie verbringen Sie gewöhnlich Ihre Freizeit, aktiv oder ruhig?
  • Was ist Ihr Lieblingszitat/Aphorismus?
    Be loyal to the one who is loyal to you.
  • Würden Sie gern ins eine andere Land umziehen?