Passionate Bride Angelina from Kiev
Proud Bride Viktoriya from Odessa
Cheerful Bride Tamila from Nikolaev
Sensitive Woman Elena from Druzhkovka
Extraordinary Bride Natalya from Khmelnitsky
Real Bride Tamara from Poltava
Realistic Bride Francy from Cali
Sincere Bride Darina from Mirgorod


Vulnerable woman Alena from Odessa (Ukraine), 49 yo, hair color blonde
  • ID: 93558
  • Alter: 49
  • Geburtsdatum: Januar 3, 1976
  • Zodiak: Capricorn
  • Wuchs: 5' 4" (165 cm)
  • Gewicht: 125 lb (57 kg)
  • Haarfarbe: Blonde
  • Augenfarbe: Gray
  • Land: Ukraine
  • Stadt: Odessa
  • Religion: Christianity
  • Familienstand: Geschieden
  • Kinder: 1 (das Madchen-1999)
  • Rauchen: No
  • Alkohol: Never
  • Beruf: Engineer
  • Occupation Realtor
  • Ausbildung: University
  • Englische Sprache: Mit dem Wörterbuch
  • Andere Fremdsprachen: kein Wissen
  • sucht Partner: 45 - 69 Jahre alt
  • woman
Über mich
I am a very kind, honest, modest and sensitive lady. I like when everything is OK. I am always willing to try something new and I never stop with what has already been accomplished. I am always try to develop and improve myself, because a woman always has to be beautiful and interesting for her man.
Hobbys und Interesse
I have a lot of interests and some of them are theatre, cinema, art, reading. I am a person who likes to explore this wonderful and interesting world.
Männertype suchend
I do not look for an ideal man. I would like to meet a real man, who is serious and reliable, who knows what he wants in life and who can be a gentleman with his woman. I am very serious in my search and would like to meet a man who is exactly like me, really wants to meet his second half. I am a very loyal woman and I just want to be happy with my man.
  • Welche Blumen sind Ihre Lieblingsblumen?
  • Was ist Ihre Lieblingsjahreszeit?
  • Welche Sportart gefällt Ihnen?
    Football, fishing
  • Welche Sportart treiben Sie?
    I go to the gym.
  • Mögen Sie Rosen?
    Yes, I like roses.
  • Welche Farbe der Rosen bevorzugen Sie?
    Pink, white
  • Was machen Sie gern in Ihrer Freizeit?
    I like reading, listening to music, cooking different dishes or walking near the sea.
  • Wo sind Sie gewesen?
    Turkey, Egypt
  • Welche Länder würden Sie gern besuchen?
  • Glauben Sie im Glück?
    Yes, I believe.
  • Eine Sache, die Sie nie absagen würden.
    To visit Turkey or Egypt again.
  • Kochen Sie gern?
    Yes, I like cooking.
  • Wo würden Sie gern leben: in der hektischen Stadt oder in einem stillen Platz (wie ein Dorf)?
    I prefer to live in a quiet place.